4 Key Trends Driving an L&D Reset in 2020

The end of a fiscal year is usually a time to reflect and forward plan. However, the close of FY20 is anything but usual. It presents an interesting new benchmark as we pass the three month mark in the COVID-19 pandemic.

While we navigate a significant health crisis, the Coronavirus is accelerating one of the biggest business transformations in decades. And in Australia, a profound economic impact is anticipated post-JobKeeper and other government subsidies in September.

How have pre-existing trends and predictions played out this year? And what is the impact of the pandemic against this backdrop?

It is anticipated that the rapid changes and socio-economic impact from these unprecedented times will create a New Normal.

We provide key insights and strategies for leaders to plan and future-proof their L&D plans in 2021.

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Tips & Strategies For Australian L&D In 2020

Mark Fenna-Roberts, Managing Director, ITC Learning Australasia Looks At 5 Key Trends Shaping 2020

As we close in on a new decade, Australia is facing some trends that will have a profound impact on our industry.

With over 18 years in the Australian industry, I have seen trends come and go, however new technology and a changing workforce – are literally forcing ever faster change.

Here is what HR and L&D leaders can do to prepare and even leverage these trends to create greater organisational impact in the 2020’s. Continue reading “Tips & Strategies For Australian L&D In 2020”

2019 Benchmark Studies Show Companies With Learning in Their DNA Deliver Growth

New key benchmark studies from globally renowned Towards Maturity Index’s, The Transformation Journey, and Fosway Group/360 Learning’s Digital Learning Realities 2019 respectively reveal that companies with learning in their DNA lead the growth pack

It doesn’t take a genius in macro trends to work out that one of the greatest impacts on business today is technological change and the sheer pace of it.

Never before have we heard the words “disruption” and “transformation” used so interchangeably. Whether that be Business Transformation or Digital Disruption, it’s change, it’s here, and unless your business is run by AI and drones, optimising your workforce for the impact as well as the opportunities – is likely at the top of your agenda.

And that’s not all. For the first time, four generations are working together – Boomers, Gen X, Y (or Millenials – the biggest cohort at work) and Z. And while it can be amusing to hear a Boomer refer to ‘The Interwebs’ or observe a Gen Y messaging a colleague sitting 20 centimetres away – these technological and cultural divides make for some interesting challenges in learning and development.

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