Learn How To Master Microlearning With AI Avatars .. and more!

Developing microlearning courses from scratch just got easier! Our expert team will show you how to use the NEW AI tools inside Microbuilder™ to create spokespeople and convert your written script into dialogue. Want to take existing courses and create bite-sized eLearning? We’ll show how, with our easy-to-use, rapid microlearning tool Microbuilder™ – Join our Interactive Session Thursday, August 22. book your session here 


AI FOMO? Get It Working For You

It’s the most talked about technology today – perhaps because AI is not static, and is evolving rapidly in the L&D world. Michael Hruska, AI and L&D thought-leader says AI is “a toy/tool/teammate – your synthetic team member.” Hruska sits down with our ELB Learning partners and Magazine to bring you up to speed on the possibilities today and in the future.


Michael Hruska – CEO of Problem Solutions, Technologist and Design Thinking (DT) practitioner. Michael has spoken extensively on AI with experience spanning across standards, emerging technologies, learning, and science.

Dr. Christina Barss – Chief Transformation Officer, Problem Solutions. Christina presents nationally and internationally on design thinking, change management, organisational culture, corporate learning, executive education, and succession planning.

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The AI-Augmented L&D Professional: LTG UK 2024


ROI from AI in L&D? What does the future hold for the L&D professional and the industry as a whole with the rise of AI? Josh Penzell, VP of AI Solutions with our partners at ELB Learning presents this thought provoking presentation at LTGUK 2024.

Josh presents a well-researched look at how AI-augmented L&D is going to become very powerful and deliver real results.

  • 2:00 – AI improves and delivers better ROI from SME Interviews
  • 10:00 – Adaptive tutors personalise and make training more dynamic
  • 18:00 – Optimisation through LMS data analysis
  • 19:20 – The future? Autonomous agents will automate everything
  • 23:27 The 7 roles of AI powered agents


The Rise Of The AI-Augmented SME

For instructional designers, the traditional process of relying solely on human subject matter experts (SMEs) can be time-consuming, frustrating, and sometimes costly. Yet working with SMEs is critical for creating effective training content. SMEs provide the in-depth knowledge of the topic that instructional designers need to develop accurate and comprehensive learning materials.

Enter the AI-augmented SME—a revolutionary option powered by advanced natural language AI that can augment and streamline the SME process. By tapping into vast datasets and language models, these AI assistants can provide on-demand subject matter expertise, fill knowledge gaps, and answer queries in real-time.

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How AI Agents Are Redefining Content Creation for L&D

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionised the way we do business. And new advances in AI agents —  designed to make decisions and take action to achieve goals — have the potential to completely change how learning and development (L&D) interacts with AI.

Discover how AI agents can autonomously create, curate, and enhance learning content, revolutionising the efficiency and scalability of content production.

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