Cracking the Code to Training Cyber Smart Workers

74% of data breaches are caused by human error. Developed by CyberCatch and ELB Learning using CenarioVR, HackOps is an immersive cybersecurity training game for the entire organisation that mimics real-world attacks to build skills to prevent human error.

Learners role-play as hackers penetrating systems through phishing, exploiting vulnerabilities, and installing ransomware. This virtual experience teaches reconnaissance, spear phishing, system exploitation, and mitigation unlike any other program.

HackOps transforms mundane security awareness into extraordinary, skill-building training to make workers cyber smart so the organisation doesn’t become the next victim of a data breach and ransomware. You will learn:

  • How 74% of data breaches are caused by human error
  • How hackers are exploiting human errors in recent cases
  • How HackOps simulates actual hacker behaviours and techniques
  • The immersive VR experience that imparts cybersecurity skills
  • How it strengthens the “human firewall” against cyber threats


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